Was cleaning up my office and found a great piece of paper on creating valuable content:
Make Content Findable
- H1 tag
- h2 tag
- has meta description, proper SEO’d meta title
- links to related content
- alt tags for images
Make Content Readable
- inverted pyramid writing style
- chunked properly (no chunk bigger than dollar bill!)
- bullets
- numbered lists
- follows style guide = is consistent
Make Content Understandable
- use appropriate content type for audience
- respect audience’s learning level
Make Content Actionable
- call to action
- has a place to comment
- invitation to share (have Share This plugin)
- links to related content
- direct summary of what to do
Make Content Shareable
- include something to provoke an emotional response
- give them a reason to share
- ask them to share
- make it easy for them
- use hashtags to get connections