Many say that it’s worthy to do a blog post on a topic that you, as a business owner, get asked even “just twice” as it saves re-explaining it again and again!
So, here, for those that ask, is how I determine your business’s “most desired” keywords and develop and SEO and PPC (pay per click) campaign to help you get decent traffic on the keywords most likely to bring your sales:
- Determine (with you, and during some brainstorming time on my own) your most likely profitable (eg. will come, convert and possibly buy) keyword phrases for your Product/Service (hint: I’ll need to know something about it and your target market! This is part of “Keyword Research”. (hint2: what are your competitors using? I should know some competitor sites or their desired keywords too).
- Verify these keywords as ‘viable’ and possibly discover other related ones we didn’t think of in Adwords Keyword tool.
- Plan strategy – match up 4 keyword phrases (related ones) to the best landing page possible (eg makes most human sense, and is most likely a good choice for SEO success – eg helps if the keywords already appear on it or relate to content on it)
- Use WebCEO or another ranking software to see how the landing pages (please provide these to me!) are ranking on these keywords at the moment.
- Use WebCEO’s “get better seo” module to highlight ‘gaps’ and things we can try in SEO on the landing pages themselves (text w keywords, titles, descriptions, alt tags)
- Implement this SEO on the pages.
- After a few weeks after implementing step 4 on the pages, see where the rankings get to.
- If not reaching yet page 1 or desired rankings, determine PPC strategy to fill gaps and get visibility for your company on these terms by writing ads that will grab the target audience.
- When setting up a PPC campaign, I need the monthly maximum budget to spend, where you want the ads showing (continents, countries, language, region etc.)– and I’ll need several accurate benefit statements about your product – eg. what it is, what benefit it brings to the target market, any freebies/give aways you’ve giving on the landing page..). We’ll also need to dream up a call to action too. (Fun! We only get 95 characters to do all this in 3 lines of an ad!)
Thus, you have it: steps to determining your ‘most desired keywords’ and how we “do” SEO on page and also PPC to support your keyword, and ultimately, sales goals.