We are Lara Spence Web Design in Vancouver, BC.

We help small to mid-sized businesses with online marketing, eCommerce websites, informational websites, and more.

We also help most of our customers by writing their online privacy policy. Contact us for help!

Here is some info from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

To make this content as easy to digest as possible, we will give an overview. Read the full, original article here.

Tailor your Privacy Policy to YOUR business

Describe what personal information your organization collects and why , how you will use it and under what circumstances you will disclose it. In other words, avoid using a template for this that doesn’t apply specifically to you.

Be specific and provide meaningful information

For example, make clear what personal information is collected and for what purpose.

If you disclose personal information to third parties, explain who those parties are, or what services they provide.

It’s about more than cookies

Sure, explain about cookies, that’s great.

Also explain how customer info is auto-collected by your site and how their info will be used or disclosed.

Privacy choices

In your privacy policy, tell customers about any choices you offer regarding the collection, use or disclosure of their information and how to exercise those choices. For example, to contact you to have their orders deleted from your ecommerce system after 4 months, or similar.


Explain how people can access their personal information held by your organization. Also how to request correction or deletion of this information.

Update your online privacy information regularly

Keep your policy current and notify people when your policies change.

Make it easy to contact you

Provide multiple contact options in various prominent areas of your site so people can easily raise privacy questions or complaints, or request access to their personal information.

Make privacy information easy to find

Suggestions: Place a link to your privacy policy on your homepage, use notifications (e.g. hyperlinks or pop-up boxes) when users are faced with a privacy decision or question.

Use plain language

I think we all understand this..

Structure your policy for ease of reference

Basically, keep it user-friendly.

Some options are headings, a table of contents with links or a FAQ’s page.

Help with your Website Privacy Policy

If getting through this post was causing your eyes to glaze over, send us an email and we’ll guide you through how to write a privacy policy for your website. Hint: For eCommerce sites, you really need a warranty policy and terms+conditions as well.

Email: lara@laraspence.com

Phone: 604 828 4249